Today I have applied for BCA membership for the Society which means all eleven of us who have so far joined will be insured for surface activities. This is a cost for the coming year of £96 of which John has very kindly offered to donate the cost of the group insurance part which is £30. When the latest subs. are passed to Peter and I get reimbursed there should be approx. £30 left in the kitty.
When I get the paperwork to say we are insured then we can start our new project
As more people clamour to be allowed to join the Society then we can increase the insurance cover at £6 per head; the amount declining according to the quarter year in which the person joins. As we have all joined at £3 per head then I feel we can only charge the new members the same, but encourage donations of a higher value!
For 2013 and beyond we may have to charge £10 for the year for the same cover.
If we decide during the coming year that underground insurance is necessary as well then that is another £17 per person per year on top of surface only cover of £6 and a portion of the group charge of £30. But then some may only want surface cover, and some may have underground cover via membership of another group. Personally I think that surface insurance is essential but I would like to hear what others have to say about u/g cover.
Communication amongst ourselves is also essential and as generally we meet up once a month that I suggest that is in fact a form of committee meeting where grievances can be aired and people can slag each off over tea and biscuits.
Don’t forget that the back-room digital team is setting up a website for the Society for the benefit of us to teach and lesser mortals to learn so send in stuff; pictures, text, more pictures, whatever is of interest e.g. limekilns, alum quarries, whinstone workings, potash calamities, potash new developments, even railway constructions. And don’t forget jet. When I get the Upleatham gen. finished then that may be able to go on there.
As usual, any comments to me,