Our third stop of the day was to the village of Haswell Plough to visit the site of Haswell Colliery (NZ 373422) which operated between 1833 and 1896. The colliery site was cleared some years ago but a substantial part of the pumping engine house remains and is still worth a visit.
Colliery Timeline:
1811 First sinking at Haswell proves coal exists underneath the magnesian limestone.
1831 Work begins on Engine Pit, but after digging through 54 ft of sand the pit is lost.
1833 The New Engine Pit is commenced at Haswell and is sunk down to the Hutton seam.
1834 After more than three years workmen employed in the sinking of Haswell colliery strike upon a fine seam of coal 504 feet below the surface
1835 – March 9th 200 workmen succeeded in winning the Hutton seam of coal, 5 feet 6 inches thick, at a depth of 930 feet from the surface.
1835 – July 2nd The first cargo of coals from Haswell colliery were shipped at Seaham. A public dinner was held in the afternoon, at the Lord Seaham Inn
1836 About eight miles of the eastern division of the Sunderland and Durham railway was opened. Several trains of wagons laden with coal traveled along a new line from Haswell colliery to Sunderland.
1844 The Haswell colliery mining disaster. 95 men and boys lost their lives.
1886 The Hutton seam is abandoned.
1895 Engine Pit closed.
1896 – Dec 31st Five Quarter, Main Coal, and Low Main seams are abandoned. The colliery is closed due to being unprofitable to work.
Interesting Fact:
Haswell Colliery can also lay claim to being the site where the first steel cable ever to be used down a mine shaft was deployed.
Historic Photos
The following photograph was taken 20.05.1864.
The pumping engine house is to the left of the two chimneys.
Another from 1943.
A few more from around 1960 before landscaping.
The Site Today:
Even though most of the pumping engine house has been demolished and buried following the landscaping of the site the front Bob wall adjacent to the shaft is still very interesting to look at. It has largely been constructed of local limestone but the mounting block for the beam itself is made of imported sandstone which is harder and would take the weight and motion of the beam better.
I liked the touch of the 95 faces on the railings, one for each life lost.
Those faces will haunt me forever, creepy and unneeded.